Fine Motor

3. Motor

4. Vision


6. Quiz

1. Stability

2. Hand

Gross Motor

3. Balance &

4. Movement

5. Strength
& Endurance

6. Quiz

1. Physical

2. Motor


3. Sensory

4. Self

5. Sensory

6. Quiz

1. Sensory

2. Senses

Speech and Language

3. Speech

4. Pragmatics

5. Play

6. Quiz

1. Early

2. Late

Activities of Daily Living

3. Grooming

4. Sleep

5. Behavior

6. Quiz

1. Feeding

2. Toileting

Sections of a module can be reviewed in any order or follow the numbered sequence.

Please click on objectives first then
click on sub-sections to learn more.

Please note that the information follows a developmental sequence.


1. Understand basic concepts of fine motor development and how it relates to handwriting.

2. Understand basic strategies to support children experiencing challenges with fine motor activities.

3. Recognize ‘Red Flags’ for written output challenges and have the necessary resources to address these challenges.

4. Adapt and modify everyday objects to help support a child’s learning based on foundational needs.


1. Gain a basic understanding of the fundamental components for gross motor development.

2. Know how to encourage the development of fundamental movement skills.

3. Understand the importance of physical literacy.

4. Adapt or modify games and activities to match a child's physical ability.


1. Recognize basic concepts of self-regulation.

2. Grasp basic concepts of sensory processing and sensory modulation.

3. Know the different senses, recognize when there is a problem with the senses, and understand the effects on the child.

4. Understand basic concepts of sensory regulation and what to consider in supporting a child's sensory regulatory needs.


1. Understand basic concepts of speech and language development.

2. Recognize basic strategies to support preschoolers experiencing challenges with speech and language.

3. Identify and address ‘Red Flags’ for speech and language delays.

4. Use easily accessible objects and toys to support the development of speech and language.


1. Understand how motor development and sensory processing relate to participation in Activities of Daily Living.

2. Identify basic strategies to support a child experiencing difficulty developing independent participation in ADLs.

3. Recognize and address Red Flags for feeding challenges.

4. Adapt or modify ADLs to help support a child's learning and participation.


Student Scenarios